
 At Abiding Hope we believe that the gospel is not only the good news that Jesus has saved sinners, but also the power God uses to create and strengthen faith in our hearts.  Thus Jesus and his gospel message are at the center of our worship each and every Sunday.  An order of service called the liturgy guides our worship.  In message and meal (Holy Communion), in specially selected Bible readings, and in carefully crafted songs, prayers, and confessions, the liturgy points to Jesus as the Savior of all.  Click here to view a sample of a typical Sunday morning service folder.

Sunday Worship

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month as well as during certain festival services throughout the year.  Following God’s instruction in his Word, we practice close communion at Abiding Hope.  This means that only members of Abiding Hope or members of other WELS or ELS congregations come forward to receive the Lord’s Supper.  The Bible teaches that participation in Holy Communion is an expression of unity in everything that we believe.  We don’t want to put our visitors in the position of making such an important statement before they have had the opportunity to learn what our church teaches.  Thus we ask that visitors refrain from receiving the Lord’s Supper and speak with the pastor if they desire to receive the Sacrament in the future.  We are eager to sit down and share what we believe with you so that we can establish a true unity based on the Word of God and commune together with confidence.

Here’s a little more info about what to expect when you join us for worship:

Where to Sit?

Feel free to sit wherever you'd like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.

What to Wear?

Come as you are. We aren't worried about what you're wearing.  You’ll find worshipers at Abiding Hope wear everything from suits to casual attire.

What About the Kids?

Kids of all ages are welcome at Abiding Hope. We encourage children and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's Word and sing his praise.  The pastor shares a special children’s message during each service.  If you should feel the need to step out with your child for a moment, there is a nursery just outside the worship space which is equipped with speakers and privacy glass so that you can continue to follow along with the service.

How About the Offering?

The members of Abiding Hope have joined together to carry out the Lord’s work here in Ocala and around the world.  Guests need not feel obligated to participate in the weekly offering that supports our ministry.  We are simply grateful that you have joined us for worship.

What Happens after the Service?  

Refreshments are served after each Sunday morning service.  Members, friends, and visitors are all encouraged to stick around, get to know each other better, and enjoy the company of their fellow Christians.